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[News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼

在 06-17-2011, 6:48 下午 由 franbury 發表.第 24 篇回覆.
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  •  06-03-2011, 2:48 下午 385182 in reply to 384990

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼

    就看灰狼怎麼 Love Rubio囉,還蠻期待他倆的搭配!

  •  06-03-2011, 5:30 下午 385203 in reply to 385182

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼


    就看灰狼怎麼 Love Rubio囉,還蠻期待他倆的搭配!






    感覺他就是什麼都有 好條件擺在那邊的

    國際賽經驗 職業賽經驗 年輕 潛力 傳球視野 傳球創意 防守 速度



    但是到底轉換環境後   在NBA這種最高強度的環境中能不能打出來  就不確定了


    不過基本上還是滿看好他的   是不知道他的近況啦


    就像樓上 leoboy0816  大大說的  我也滿期待他們倆的搭配的!


  •  06-04-2011, 11:30 下午 385351 in reply to 385180

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼




    騎士試看看吧 沒好的控衛Scott變不出花樣啊


    肖像權是屬於民法法第十八條第一項所稱的人格權,該項規定:「人格權受侵害時,得請求法院除去其侵害;有受侵害之虞時,得請求防止之。」 同法第一百九十五條第一項:「不法侵害他人之身體、健康、名譽、自由、信用、隱私、貞操,或不法侵害其他人格法益而情節重大者,被害人雖非財產上之損害,亦得請求賠償相當之金額。 」
  •  06-06-2011, 11:39 上午 385549 in reply to 385182

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼


    應該是擔心 Rubio的外線投射能力

  •  06-06-2011, 4:00 下午 385613 in reply to 384990

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼

    終於來啦!!!  期望他能大放異彩囉!~ 加油 Rubio!~
  •  06-07-2011, 3:29 上午 385693 in reply to 385549

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼


    我又不得不再度佩服年年長青繁茂的steve nash了....

  •  06-11-2011, 3:26 上午 386502 in reply to 384990

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼

  •  06-11-2011, 2:21 下午 386549 in reply to 385693

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼


    身高也有 192 cm,在後衛裡不算矮,


  •  06-16-2011, 9:52 上午 387483 in reply to 385182

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    Ricky Rubio 簽約完成



    Sources: Ricky Rubio inked with Wolves

    By Chris Sheridan
    Rubio Coming To Minnesota

    BILBAO, Spain -- Ricky Rubio has already signed a contract with the Minnesota Timberwolves and the holdup keeping him from leaving Barcelona is related to his buyout agreement, multiple sources told ESPN.com.

    "This is just a bump in the road for (the Timberwolves)," said one source.

    Rubio's Spanish club won the ACB championship Tuesday, after which Rubio said:

    "We are talking with Barcelona and we will soon see."


    Ricky Rubio
    Ales Fevzer/EB/Getty ImagesDespite Ricky Rubio's offensive struggles this season at Barcelona, he's still seen as the Timberwolves' point guard of the future.

    That fueled speculation Rubio might not come to Minnesota for the 2011-12 season. But two sources told ESPN.com Rubio has already signed with the Timberwolves. He still must receive a letter of clearance from FIBA, the sports' international governing body.

    Earlier this month, The Associated Press and The (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reported that Rubio, the No. 5 pick in the 2009 NBA draft, had reached an agreement to join the Timberwolves after two seasons with Barcelona.

    The Timberwolves did not confirm those reports, which followed years of speculation that Rubio, 20, did not want to leave Europe or pay the multimillion-dollar buyout of his Barcelona contract out of his own pocket.

    Rubio said he was "very happy" after Barcelona won the Spanish league title, according to the Spanish publication Mundo Deportivo. "This title is the most widely appreciated. At last I have it and we must all be proud of it."

    On Wednesday, a source close to Rubio told ESPN The Magazine's Ric Bucher that he is unaware of any change to Rubio's plans to play in the NBA next season.

    Timberwolves president David Kahn called Rubio "a virtuoso and somebody special" after drafting him in 2009. Kahn and agent Dan Fegan had an agreement to bring Rubio to the NBA that summer, but Rubio withdrew from that deal at the last minute after deciding he did not want to pay a $6 million-plus buyout.

    With the passing of two seasons, Rubio's buyout from Barcelona has decreased to $1.4 million. The Timberwolves can contribute up to $500,000 of that amount under current league rules.

    Rubio averaged 6.5 points a game on 39 percent shooting this season at Barcelona, where he dealt with a foot injury and fell out of the starting lineup. The Timberwolves believe Rubio will flourish in the NBA, where guards have more freedom to create than they do in the stricter offensive schemes common in the European game.

    "He's gotten bigger and he plays outstanding defense, and because he's a pass-first guard he's going to be liked by everybody who plays with him," Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski said last year. Krzyzewski coached Team USA against Rubio and Spain in the Beijing Olympics.

    Rubio dominated the junior circuit in Europe and turned professional at 14. His flashy style and baby face made him an instant sensation in Europe.

    Although Rubio's stock dropped this season, the woeful Timberwolves -- winners of a combined 32 games the past two seasons -- remain in need of a point guard to feed the ball to Kevin Love and Michael Beasley.


  •  06-17-2011, 6:48 下午 387796 in reply to 386549

    Re: [News] 與球團達成協議,Ricky Rubio明年確定加盟灰狼

    我認為 Rubio 最擔心的應該是他的體能 ....



    教練的使用與養成也會成為關鍵,我認為應該要尋 Parker 當年的養成模式


    對比 Jason William 就屬於過度的放縱,球風好看 賞心悅目,但是球隊戰績與隊友氣的要死

    我相信 Rubio 這種歐洲球員對於團隊的意識很好,但是畢竟年輕還有很多事情要學 

    Ridnour 是他很好的學習對象,體能條件相仿,且球風類似,只要耐心磨練 Nash 的高度是有可能的 !! 

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