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[交易]Sam Young被灰熊送至七六人

在 03-17-2012, 5:23 下午 由 Kawakami Rinitsu 發表.第 1 篇回覆.
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  •  03-16-2012, 12:03 上午 416983

    [交易]Sam Young被灰熊送至七六人

    The Memphis Grizzlies have traded swingman Sam Young to the Philadelphia 76ers for future considerations, according to a source.

    Young was taken in the second round of the 2009 Draft by Memphis but had fallen out of the Grizzlies’ regular rotation this season, and is the last of the three Draft picks Memphis took that season to be traded within three years. The Grizzlies traded center Hasheem Thabeet, taken second overall that year, and forward DeMarre Carroll (taken 27th in the first round) to Houston for forward Shane Battier last season.

    Young is expected to be put into the 76ers’ $2.7 million trade exception the team received as part of the trade in January that sent forward Marreese Speights to the Grizzlies.



    很明顯的灰熊什麼都沒得到= =




  •  03-17-2012, 5:23 下午 417184 in reply to 416983

    Re: [交易]Sam Young被灰熊送至七六人

    還是講一下好了, 灰熊有從七六人得到 Ricky Sanchez 的簽約權

    整體來講是個普通的交易, Sam Young 在灰熊幾乎沒多少上場時間, 灰熊送他走的目的該是省錢, 但我不認為七六人有大賺, 板凳是有更加深, 因為 Sam Young 有多功能可以在場上使用, 但是他跳投不好   

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