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[FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬

在 07-09-2013, 7:45 上午 由 lllason 發表.第 4 篇回覆.
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  •  07-08-2013, 11:49 上午 457428

    • GTO_Andy is not online. Last active: 2021-11-17, 11:05 上午 GTO_Andy
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    [FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬


    Report: Nuggets, J.J. Hickson agree to three-year, $15 million deal

    By Zach Harper | NBA writer
    July 7, 2013 6:56 pm ET

    The Denver Nuggets have lost a lot of key members from last season's squad that won a franchise-best 57 games before sputtering out in the first round of the Western Conference playoffs. George Karl is no longer coaching them. Masai Ujiri is no longer building that roster. And Andre Iguodala is no longer providing the perimeter defensive presence he has excelled at for so long.

    The Nuggets don't know who will replace the defensive presence from Iguodala next year, but they do reportedly know how to add depth to their frontcourt for next season. Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo Sports is reporting that the Denver Nuggets and J.J. Hickson have agreed to a three-year deal that will be worth $15 million.

    Hickson started 80 games as an undersized center for the Portland Trail Blazers last season but still managed to put up really good numbers in points and rebounds. He averaged 12.7 points and 10.4 rebounds in 29.0 minutes while making 56.2 percent of his shots. However, Hickson's defense was a problem. He's already not seen as a defensive player, and moving him to a position where he wasn't often big enough to handle his opponent only made it worse.

    For the Nuggets, Hickson will most likely be asked to offer backup options behind centerJaVale McGee and power forward Kenneth Faried. If you're just using him as a scoring forward off the bench, you could really see him give some solid impact minutes. Just don't ask Hickson to be the primary option inside or the guy to protect the rim on most possessions. Keep his chores to scoring around the rim and grabbing rebounds to maximize what you need him to do.





  •  07-08-2013, 10:16 下午 457485 in reply to 457428

    Re: [FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬

    他竟然比去年的Kwame Brown還不值錢?




  •  07-09-2013, 12:23 上午 457502 in reply to 457485

    Re: [FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬


    他竟然比去年的Kwame Brown還不值錢?






    那激情誘惑的氛圍 是我抵抗不了的原罪

  •  07-09-2013, 12:34 上午 457503 in reply to 457502

    Re: [FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬

    雙十只是帳面上好看 他的防守太差 尤其是需要補位的橫向移動能力

    去年在拓荒者他跟Aldridge兩個在場上時 禁區被對方予取予求

    波特蘭沒跟他續約不是沒原因的 差不多的錢Robin Lopez防守好多了(雖然籃板弱掉了)

    We ride together
    We die together
    Red Bulls for life....
  •  07-09-2013, 7:45 上午 457518 in reply to 457502

    Re: [FA]JJ Hickson加盟Nuggets, 3年1500萬

    E N J O Y:

    他竟然比去年的Kwame Brown還不值錢?






    1. 自由市場的內線球員多,缺內線的球隊優先考慮其他的人,使得Hickson得到報價的時間點較晚

    2. 拓荒者的GM在之前發言時有談及球隊補強需要一個更能保護籃框和防守的中鋒,







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