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Re: Kobe準備去公牛??

  •  10-19-2007, 4:07 下午

    Re: Kobe準備去公牛??

    become Barkeley:


    well, you said team with great chemistry and team work but fail to get the ring, I think I can say the say thing with franchise player as well.

    dont get me wrong, I'm not try to bash you here, but there's only one team can win champion every year, and you have to admit that other than michael jordan, other championship teams all built around with a "BIG" franchise player. If today you ask me if I willing to trade those 4 players for Tim Duncan at age 29 and srubs, I'll say yes. Kobe? ....I'll pass...he's a "GREAT" player, but "in my opinion", He's not a leader like Duncan, Shaq....etc.

    And sorry for the Kevin Willis thing, I have no intend to disrespect him, I knew he's a very good player. It just surprised me that you knows his limit already. For me, I dont think Tyrus Thomas will ever average over 20pts, I think he's more like a 12~16pts, 10~12rebs, 2~3blks, 1~1.5stls with some DPLOY awards. But that's just me, it's really hard to tell. And dont get me wrong, I'm "willing" to part with him for Kobe, but not "Gordon+TT+Noci+Noah"

    I still think Bulls are more closer to Piston mode:

    Hinrich: leader, nice shooting stroke and great D, just not as clutch as Billups...

    Gordon: great shooter, although his game is nothing like Rip. Both of them are the main weapons for their team

    Deng: I personally think he'll have greater impact than Prince. But right now, Deng is much more closer to Prince than Pippen.

    Ben Wallace: Ben Wallace

    there's no player in Bulls play like Sheed, that's also the weakest spot in Bulls' starting lineup. However, with Noci, TT and Noah + Smith, I think we'll do much more better this year...

    Finally, I respect your opinion, but as a bulls fan. I'll say "no" to this trade.

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