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Arenas開刀 將缺陣3個月

  •  11-22-2007, 8:02 上午

    Arenas開刀 將缺陣3個月





    Arenas out 3 months after surprise surgery

    Gilbert Arenas shockingly had surgery on his left knee to

    repair a torn meniscus on Wednesday and will be out

    approximately three months, according to the Washington Post.


    This is the same surgery he had in April, so this is absolutely

    devastating news to his owners. The re-injury happened during

    Friday's game and he won't be able to do any basketball related

    activity for at least three weeks. He could be cleared to return

    to practice in three months. Run, don't walk, to pick up Antonio

    Daniels, while you should also give DeShawn Stevenson a look.

    "It's a downer because I really thought I was getting back," Arenas said.

    "It's a big setback but I guess I'll start all over again."

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