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Re: Jordan wouldn't have called Magic, Bird

  •  07-20-2010, 12:39 下午

    Re: Jordan wouldn't have called Magic, Bird


    "There's no way, with hindsight, I would've ever called up Larry, called up Magic and said, 'Hey, look, let's get together and play on one team...' In all honesty, I was trying to beat those guys."


    Well, Karl Malone and John Stockton teamed up for 18 years,

    and never won one single NBA championship. Think about that.


    David Robinson ain't got a ring before Tim Duncan joined the team.

    Shaq ain't got a ring without Kobe and Fisher by his side.

    Hakeem ain't got a ring neither when someone was in the league.

    Ewing never got a ring.


    And someone worked so hard for seven years and still ain't got a ring, 

    before two of his teamates played like (and were selected) All Stars.

    He did not do it alone.


    By the way, he used a bad example.

    He never beat those two guys named Larry and Magic at their prime.

    So, a player who got so many expection to be a "King" in the league worked hard only 7 years then acceptable to be traitor

    Don't forget when he started his career life. He still has bunch of time to prove that he is "The Man" (quo from Charles) but he quit

    So, if the value of an NBA player is only to get Championship  ring, there is no difference between LBJ and Richmond.

    Jordan didn't have chance to beat Magic and Bird. However, he didn't ask them to come Bulls or think to join in Celtics and Lakers.

    He just did what he could and worked hard again and again.

    As your opinion, LBJ didn't get any one Championship but Wade did. Does it mean that LBJ never have chance to beat Wade bc he choose to group with him.


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