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Re: 拓荒者 off season 雜談

  •  08-09-2010, 9:48 下午

    Re: 拓荒者 off season 雜談

    Greg Oden 談到他的受傷和復原:



    It happened in a game against the Houston Rockets. I was going up to block a shot [by Aaron Brooks]. I jumped in the air and my kneecap just broke in half. There actually wasn’t that much pain. The look of it was actually worse than the pain. They [doctors] told me that if I had kept my leg straight, I could have walked on it right after it happened. There was really nothing I could have done. They said the force of my jump — the way I jump, how my legs were — was at least 400 pounds.

    I got surgery the next day. I’m still in rehab, but I’m getting really close to where I want to be for the start of the season. [The rehab process] has been very long — a lot of ups and downs, good days and bad days. But things are looking good.

    I’ve just been working out. I’ve been here and Indianapolis. I’ve been working out really hard with some people who are really good for me … basically changing my lifestyle, just getting myself right and being around people who I know and grew up with.

    Doctors have told me that I should be 100 percent by the time it’s all healed. I can’t predict the future, but I know I’m preparing myself right now to be an [NBA] all-star. [...] I know I’m doing all I can this summer to prepare myself the best. That’s all I can do. Anything that happens after that, I’m prepared for.

    很高興看到Oden 並沒失去他的自信心,也想要成為全明星球員。至少比較起 Olowokandi 或 Milicic 等人是強多了。

    個人推測 Oden 有減重以便降低身體的負擔及防止再受傷。我希望拓荒者的 “Greg Chamberlain“  這項實驗真的可以到此為止了,而希望在將來大家能看到一個較瘦、較敏捷的 Oden。就像他大學時那樣,體重維持在 250/260 磅就能在防守上像 Mutombo 和 Mourning 那樣主宰NBA了。比起他們二個,Oden 只差再克服傷病和犯規麻煩而己。


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