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[FA]Jimmer Fredette簽約Pelicans, 1年聯盟底薪

  •  07-18-2014, 3:50 下午

    [FA]Jimmer Fredette簽約Pelicans, 1年聯盟底薪


    Pelicans to add Jimmer Fredette

    Updated: July 18, 2014, 1:39 AM ET
    By Marc Stein | ESPN.com

     The New Orleans Pelicans have struck a deal to sign sharpshooter Jimmer Fredette, according to sources close to the process.


    Sources told ESPN.com that the Pelicans and Fredette have agreed to terms on a one-year deal at the league minimum.

    Fredette finished last season with Chicago but played sparingly after securing his release in March from Sacramento and joining the Bulls for the stretch run and playoffs.

    The former Brigham Young star spent his first 2½ seasons with the Kings and will get a shot to replace Anthony Morrow as the Pelicans' designated perimeter specialist.

    Morrow landed a new deal with the Oklahoma City Thunder earlier this week.


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