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Funny KevinChou, damn good article.

  •  04-25-2007, 2:34 上午

    Funny KevinChou, damn good article.

    Sorry I have to type in English. But I really I have to say I like the article from KevinChou about playoff.

    It's really funny like 'Parker's fast move on Eva' and 'Barbosa's fancy assist to Amare'. Also I will agree too that SBL is not ready for rough plays like NBA. Seriously, the strength is different. I would still say 陳志忠 made an 'inappropriate' move, but you have to admit that move could be legal in NBA.

    I guess KevinChou is also a victim of the large sale of wii the past Sunday? You are right, we all wish there could be a wii basketball game soon enough. But I bet once there is something like that, TVs will be no longer be crashed by wii remotes - it's gonna be people bumping into their TVs. Rumors are that in wii sports 2, there will be basketball. Let's hope it comes out asap.

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